viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016

Ted and Walls Entry #18

The Global Citizens

Hugh Evans belongs to a worldwide movement called “Global Citizens” which, by persuading the global leaders, wishes to solve the global issues such as climate change, gender equality, diseases, poverty etc, in spite of the enormous distance between the countries. This young man tells us that even though the movement has accomplished many great results there is still a long way to go because not only are the global leaders thinking exclusively about their own country`s issues or, as Hugh says “looking into their own backyard”, but also acting indifferently towards the other countries ‘issues, an attitude that is , as he states, a big mistake: It is necessary for us, as citizens of the world, to care about the other countries` issues because those issues might someday become ours or even the world`s if they are not addressed in time. “Global Citizens” needs people who are motivated into looking beyond their borders and taking action towards the world`s most serious problems.

From my point of view the content of the video seems to be a little utopian not only because of the idea of all the people of the world working together for a common cause but also because of the erroneous concept of the good and generous global leaders. Sadly the global leaders do think about their own welfare and common interests and from their point of view it is meaningless to help the poor and wretched countries. I am not affirming   that is it absolutely impossible but what I do affirm is that it will be a movement almost unimaginable to achieve if we, as people, do not look beyond ourselves.

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